Francesca Beccati
Research Fellow of Equine Orthopaedics and Diagnostic Imaging, Med Vet, PhD
October 2007
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, Perugia University, Italy
January 2008
Qualification as Registered Equine Veterinarian “Ordine Medici Veterinari” Perugia
February 2011
PhD Equine Science-Orthopaedics Perugia University
June 2009-August 2010
Junior scholarship and grant research in Equine Upper Respiratory Tract Disease
May 2011-June 2014
Senior scholarship and grant research in Equine Orthopaedics Disease
Attended to the 8 Modules of the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology (ISELP)
December 2016
Certified ISELP
Work Experiences
November 2007-December 2011
Supervised junior and senior clinician in the Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy, in the Large Animal Section
January 2012-current
Senior clinician in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy, in the Large Animal Section
June 2015-current
Research Fellow in Equine Orthopaedics and Diagnostic Imaging. Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia.
Current main activitiesand responsibilities
Research Fellow in Equine Orthopaedics and Diagnostic Imaging, School of Veterinary Medicine, Perugia University. Lecture in Professionalising Combined Classes: Equine Musculoskeletal Ultrasound; Diagnostic Imaging and Surgery in Large Animal Orthopaedics.
Equine Orthopaedics; Supervisor of Equine Orthopaedics and Diagnostic Imaging Service, VTH Perugia University; Department of Veterinary Medicine, Perugia University